Sunday School

At Fictional Church, we have children’s Sunday School classes for children from 3 years old to finishing high school.  These classes are every Sunday morning from 10 to 10:50.  All of our classes have been designed to help your children develop a deeper relationship with Jesus and deepen their friendships with their classmates.  All of our teachers are thoroughly background checked to ensure your child’s safety and well being while they are at Fictional Church.

Preschool – Our Preschool class is for children who are three years old until they enter Kindergarten.  In this class, we focus on Jesus and his love for us.  We also emphasize singing kids Christian songs (such as “Deep and Wide,” “Down in my Heart,” and “Jesus Loves Me”) and prayer, encouraging our children to pray for the people and things that are important to them.  We always include a craft or art project.  This class is taught by Ms. Betty and Ms. Megan

K-2 – Our kindergarten through second grade class uses the popular David C. Cook material.  We teach a rotation of common and popular Bible stories, and continue to emphasize prayer and developing a relationship with Jesus.  Arts and craft projects are key, as well as music and movement activities that complement the lesson of the week.  This class is taught by Ms. Lisa and Ms. AmySundaySchool

3-5 – Our third through fifth grade class also uses David C. Cook material, so that these children are talking about the same story as our K-2 class each week, but in more depth and using material that is developed for readers.  We continue to emphasize prayer, and begin to integrate drama and skits to help children place themselves in the story.  We often include arts and crafts projects, and have even been known to hold an impromptu performance for parents at the end of class.  We begin to focus on the needs of others, and pick a class service project each spring to help children learn about service.  This class is taught by Ms. Julie and Ms. Lauren

Middle School – Our Middle School class is for students in grades 6-8.  We are always studying something different, using the current theme in our A.M.P.E.D. youth group or a topic that the students have expressed interest in.  We focus on developing a deeper relationship with Christ and strong Biblical knowledge.  This class is taught by some of our fabulous youth volunteers, Mr. Mike and Ms. Alexis

High School – Our high school class is for students in grades 9-12.  We study different books of the Bible, focusing on Biblical knowledge and skills such as how to read and study the Bible on our own.  We also emphasize prayer and developing a deep relationship with Christ.  Our fearless leaders are Mr. Youth H. Guy, our youth director, and Mr. Ben, his right hand man.High School Sunday School